I Wanna Feel It in Animal Liberation Orchestra

Lyrics I Wanna Feel It in Animal Liberation Orchestra

If a storm's coming on
You know I wanna feel it
No I won't go run and hide
Wanna stand up to my pride
Cause I wanna feel it
On my soul it's gonna bleed
But deeply through it I will breathe
Cause I wanna feel it

If silence is gonna fall
You know I wanna hear it
Not gonna move
I wanna face this vacant mood
Cause I wanna hear it
Gonna let this silence swarm
'Til it silences the storm
Cause I wanna hear it

Yeah, yeah, yeah
I don't wanna live behind a lie
Yeah, yeah, yeah
And if I fall I wanna find a way to fly

If a light is gonna shine
You know I wanna see it
Ain't gonna blink my eyes
Wanna fix them to the sky
Cause I wanna see it
With this light I'm washing out
All the darkness and the doubt
Cause I wanna see it

incorrect video?