Things I Should Say in Chikenitos

Lyrics Things I Should Say in Chikenitos

Things I Should Say
Things I Should Say

Take my hand, it's time for a walk,
theres may things i need to talk.
I dont have the guts to make it throught,
but i dont want to look for another you.

i know i'm young, and may sound silly,
but i want to speak, and make you get it.
Worlds go easy in the lyrics i do,
thats why i've done this one for you.

Are you well? are you thinking of me?
Am I in your plans has you're here?
What you say when you laught talking to your friend?
Whas that smile for me or for other man?

Do you think I'm a nice guy?
Nice enought to make you mine?
Do you like other, or just dont like me?
Those are the thinks I'm in hope to hear.

We dont talk much, theres so many things to say,
i love your accent, and i love the your way.
As your walk, your swing, the way you hug me,
the few times you i'm what you see.

you see I'm in love, and how deep it is,
dont ask for much, but please, just hear,
those are my lines, I swear it's true,
here's some things i should say to you.

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