Saul Of Tarsus (The Messenger) in For Today

Lyrics Saul Of Tarsus (The Messenger) in For Today

Saul Of Tarsus (The Messenger)
Saul Of Tarsus (The Messenger)

May the world know that I am yours.
I will never be silenced.
I will resist my sin to the point of blood,
and I will wear my scars like badges of honor.
But let my hope cry out that my God is greater than the pain of persecution.
My God is greater than this world.

There will never be another chance to live today for God. There will never be another name that can save us from ourselves. And so, steadfast and undeterred,
I will proclaim the name of Christ to a dead and dying world.
I am not ashamed!

We will resist our sin to the point of blood
and we will wear our scars like badges of honor.
But let our hope cry out that our God is greater than the pain of persecution.

Blinded, I saw that Christ is Lord. Now,
may the world see you through open eyes.
God, my Father, reign.

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