Wreckage in The Dollyrots

Lyrics Wreckage in The Dollyrots


Every time I see you
Maybe I don't wanna be
Caught up in the wreckage,
Caught up in the wreckage

When I'm swerving out the road
And I'm blinking at not thinking
Stop short gas pedal low
And she's thinking about winking
Will she start to stop,
Will she skip my block for me, just me

Telephone yapping
foot gas tapping,singing to the radio
Song it's blasting
chorus lasting, and she doesn't even know?.

Every time I see you
Maybe I don't wanna be
Caught up in the wreckage,
caught up in the wreckage too

Un da ra da da da

Chrome and green not built for two
Not drinking but not thinking
Scraped knee bent wheel again
And I'm thinking about screaming
Will she start to stop,
Will she skip my block for me, just me

Telephone yapping
foot gas tapping,singing to the radio
Song it's blasting
chorus lasting, and she doesn't even know?.

Every time I see you
Maybe I don't wanna be
Caught up in the wreckage,
caught up in the wreckage too

Un da ra da da da
Caught up in the wreckage too
Un da ra da da da...

Telephone yapping
foot gas tapping,singing to the radio
Song it's blasting
chorus lasting, and she doesn't even know?.

Every time I see you
Maybe I don't wanna be
Caught up in the wreckage,
caught up in the wreckage too

[Every time I see you]
Un da ra da da da
[Every time I see you]
Caught up in the wreckage too

incorrect video?